Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

How to Create a Good Schedule for Middle School

Keep in mind that middle school's already a LOT of work. You have six teachers, and homework from each one of them. It's going to be complicated to get homework done and extra curriculum activities. So just remember, school comes first.

Sign up for clubs and activities you enjoy, and not just the one's your crush, friends, or popular kids sign up for. But don't sign up for too much. Maybe one club, and sport you like.

Sign up for clubs with days you know you can be there and always check with your parents before signing up for something. If Tuesday's and Thursday's don't work for you, don't sign up for clubs using one or two of those days

Make sure that your activity doesn't run too long. More than an hour and a half isn't good. You need time for dinner, homework, and time for yourself, too.

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