Rabu, 09 April 2014

Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier and Make 5 sentences and determine its pronoun

Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier and Make 5 sentences and determine its pronoun

Assigment 1
- Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier (Definition)
- Make 5 sentences and determine its pronoun
Definition Of Subject
The subject of a sentence or clause is the part of the sentence or clause about which something is being said. It is usually the doer of the action. It is a noun or a pronoun. All of the subjects on this page are italicized.
The location of the subject in English is normally located before the verb (verb). In the words of the command (imperative / command), you are considered as the subject says. Subject may be in the form of the word.
Example :
§  We girls are not going to that movie.
§  George likes boats.
§  Mary, John, George, and I went to a restaurant last night.
§  The weather was very bad yesterday.
§  The chemistry professor canceled class today.
§  The bank closed at two o’clock.
Definition Of Verb
a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being, that in various languages is inflected for agreement with the subject, for tense, for voice, for mood, or for aspect, and that typically has rather full descriptive meaning and characterizing quality but is sometimes nearly devoid of these especially when used as an auxiliary or linking verb.
Example :
1. We gathered the party at 7 pm with Stefi yesterday.
2. The building has been ruined by the plane.
3. The Postman delivered those letters to Me 2 days ago.
4. He had killed my uncle when I was 21 years old.
5. I don’t know that you came to my house last night
Definition Of Complement
a word or group of words that completes the meaning of the subject, verb, or object. Thus, there are three kinds of complement, namely: subject, verb, and object complement.
1. We need lime to reduce soil acidity. 
2.  Plants absorb water and nutrients from soil 
-         3. She saw John at the movie last night.
-         4. My father drives an old car
-         5. He wants to drink some water
Definition Of Modifier
a word, phrase, or clause that functions as an adjective or adverb that describes another word or group of words. Propositional modifier is a phrase or sentence that can be said to be started by the next word and terminated by a noun
Example :
1.My Mother / is cooking / dinner / tonight
subject / verb phrase/ complement / modifier of time
2.Dhitya/ has visited / his Girlfriend
subject / verb phrase / complement
3. They/ eat / lunch /in this restaurant/ today
subject/ verb phrase / complement/ modifier of place/ modifier of time
4. Don/ should have bought/ gasoline /yesterday
subject/ verb phrase/ complement/ modifier of time
5. It/ was cloudly /at seven o’clock this morning
subject/ verb phrase / modifier of time
- Mention & define the kinds of pronoun
- Give the example of each kind pronoun
Definition Of Pronoun

Pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun, e.g. he, she, it, they, his, her, him its etc.
Example :
John is an intelligent student. He goes to school daily. He studies a lot. He is making preparation for examination. He will get high marks examination.
In the above paragraph pronoun “he” is used instead of noun “John”. If we do not use pronoun in above paragraph we will have to use the noun “John” again and again in each sentence. So, the purpose of pronoun is to avoid the repetition of a noun.
Examples. He, she, it, they, you, I, we, who, him, her, them, me, us, whom, his, its, their, your, mine, our and whose, myself, himself, herself , yourself,  which, this, that these, those,  are the pronouns which are mostly used.
Types Of Pronoun

*Personal Pronoun

Personal pronoun describes a particular person or thing or group.Personal pronoun describes the person speaking (I, me, we, us), the person spoken to (you), or the person or thing spoken about (he, she, it, they, him, her, them).
Example :
He helps poor.
The pronoun “he” in above sentence describes a person who helps poor.
*Possessive Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun indicates close possession or ownership or relationship of a thing/person to another thing/person.
e.g. yours, mine, his,  hers, ours, theirs, hers,
Example :
This book is mine.
The pronoun “mine” describes the relationship between book and a person (me) who possesses this book or who is the owner of this book.
*Reflexive pronoun
Reflexive pronoun describes noun when subject’s action affects the subject itself.
e.g himself, yourself, herself, ourselves, themselves, itself  are reflexive pronouns. Reflexive pronouns always act as objects not subjects, and they require an interaction between the subject and an object.
Example :
1.      I looked at myself in the mirror.
2.      You should think about yourself.
3.      They prepared themselves for completion.
* Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal Pronouns are used when each of two or more subjects reciprocate to the other.
Reciprocal pronouns are used when two subjects act in same way towards each other, or, more subjects act in same way to one another.
For example,  A loves B and B love A. we can say that A and B loves each other.
There are two reciprocal pronouns
Each other
One another.
1.      John and Marry are talking to each other.
2.      The students gave cards to one another.
3.      The people helped one another in hospital.
* Relative Pronoun
Relative Pronoun describes a noun which is mentioned before and more information is to be given about it.
Relative pronoun is a pronoun which joins relative clauses and relative sentences.
For example, It is the person, who helped her.
In this sentence the word “who” is a relative pronoun which refers to the noun (the person) which is already mentioned in beginning of sentence (It is the person) and more information (he helped her) is given after using a relative pronoun (who) for the noun (the person).
Similarly, in above sentence the pronoun “who” joins two clauses which are “it is the person” and “who helped her”. 
Example :
1.      It is the girl who got first position in class.
2.      Adjective is a word that modifies noun.
3.      The man whom I met yesterday is a nice person.
*Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that points to a thing or things.
e.g. this, that, these, those, none, neither
These pronouns point to thing or things in short distance/time or long distance/time.
Short distance or time: This, these.
Long distance or time: That, those.
Demonstrative pronouns “this and that” are used for singular thing while “these or those” are used for plural things.
Example :
1.      This is black.
2.      That is heavy.
3.      Can you see these?
Name : Faisal Ridwan
Class : 4kb07
NPM : 22110528

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